****** This new patch (v1.1) replaces the previously released patch (v1.0). If you have downloaded the old patch, please delete it and use this new patch from now on.
NOTE: The old patch does not have any bug, we just add new options to this new patch.
****** About this patch ******
Apple just released the “System 7.5 Update 1.0,” and we have found that some of the 7Tuner 1.7 options doesn't work with the updated Finder once you have run the Update 1.0. This patch will fix the problems! Since the System 7.5 Update 1.0 will change some of the resources 7Tuner 1.7 has tuned back to the system default, this file also tells you how to retune your System and Finder files if you want to reinstall 7Tuner 1.7 on your new System 7.5.1.
****** The problem found ******
After you run System 7.5 Update 1.0, if you reinstall 7Tuner 1.7 and select the cool option: Eliminate Finder Window Zooming, the next time you restart, your Mac will crash.
****** New in this patch (v1.1) ******
We also found that even users reinstall 7Tuner 1.7 after running System 7.5 Update 1.0, two of the 7Tuner 1.7 options will always be changed back to System 7.5 default.
They are:
1. Show Model Name in the “About this Macintosh” box - the real model name will be changed back to “Macintosh” or “Power Macintosh” (on some models).
2. The startup “Welcome to Power Macintosh” string (for Power Mac only) - the string will be changed back to “Welcome to Macintosh” only.
This new patch (v1.1) will also fix these two problems.
****** Retune your System and Finder files and use this patch ******
There are two ways to retune your System and Finder files with 7Tuner 1.7 if you're going to upgrade your System 7.5 using System 7.5 Update 1.0:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION Power Mac users:
If your Power Mac has been up-clocked by installing the accelerator clip, please run the accelerator's patch (which is provided by clip vendors separately) right after you run the System 7.5 Update 1.0. After you use the clip patch, you then run 7Tuner 1.7 and this patch.
A. We strongly recommend this method:
1. Copy the “fresh new” Finder and System files from your backup, system software disks (reinstall), or Disk Tools Disk into your startup disk.
2. Run System 7.5 Update 1.0 first.
3. After the Update 1.0 restart your Mac, follow the instructions as described in 7Tuner 1.7's “User's Guide” to tune the System and Finder files. DO NOT SELECT “Eliminate Finder Window Zooming” option at this point if you want to use this option.
4. Run this patch only if you want to tune the options as mentioned above (the problems this patch is going to fix), otherwise, you can follow the same ways which you did before to swap the System and Finder files (described in 7Tuner 1.7's “User's Guide”), and you're done!
### Follow these steps only if you want to tune the options mentioned above ###
5. Make a copy of “System 7.5 Update” file (which is located inside System Folder, and has the same icon as the “Finder”) by clicking its icon once and selecting the “Duplicate” command from Finder's “File” menu.
6. Run “7Tuner 1.7 Patch 1.1” by double-clicking its icon.
7. Select the patch options you want and patch the necessary working copies. If you select the patch option: Eliminate Window Zooming,” you can just select the copy of “Finder” file you just tuned when you ran 7Tuner 1.7.
8. Quit the patch after you have done the patch options you want.
9. Follow the same ways which you did before to swap the System and Finder files (described in 7Tuner 1.7's “User's Guide”), drag the original “System 7.5 Update” file (which is located inside System Folder, and has the same icon as the “Finder”) into the Trash, rename the working copy of “System 7.5 Update” you just patched (for example: System 7.5 Update copy->System 7.5 Update) and drag it into “System Folder.”
10. Restart your Macintosh.
B. (Assume you didn't tune the “Eliminate Window Zooming” option)
1. If you run System 7.5 Update 1.0 over the previously tuned System and Finder, the first time you restart, some of the tuned options will be changed back to system default.
2. Run 7Tuner 1.7 to retune the System and Finder. Follow the same ways which you did before to swap the System and Finder files (described in 7Tuner 1.7's “User's Guide”). DO NOT SELECT “Eliminate Finder Window Zooming” option at this point if you want to use this option.
3. If you want to retune the options which don't work with System 7.5.1, use this patch and follow the same steps 5-10 as described above in A method.
If you don't want to tune “Eliminate Finder Window Zooming,” “Show Model Name,” and “Welcome to Power Mac” options after you run System 7.5 Update 1.0 and 7Tuner 1.7 again, you don't need the patch which is included in this package.
****** In Case of System Crash ******
(you reinstall 7Tuner 1.7 and tune the “Eliminate Finder Window Zooming” option)
After you run System 7.5 Update 1.0 and 7Tuner 1.7, if you have selected “Eliminate Finder Window Zooming” option and FORGOT to run the patch, your Mac will crash. Please do the following:
1. Right after you press the restart button (with small triangle sign), insert the Disk Tools Disk which is included with your system software into the floppy drive. Your Mac will restart from the floppy drive.
2. Open your System Folder (in your normal startup hard disk, not in the floppy disk) and click the “Finder” file once to highlight it.
3. Select “Duplicate” from Finder's File menu or option+drag to make a copy of the “Finder” file.
4. Drag the Finder copy you just created to anywhere in your hard disk as long as it's out of the System Folder.
5. Run “7Tuner 1.7 Patch 1.1” which is included in this package.
6. Select the copy of “Finder” file you created in the appeared dialog to patch the Finder.
7. After the patch is done, follow the same ways which you did before to switch the Finder files. If you want to patch other two options, follow the same steps 5-10 as described above in A method.
****** Questions ******
If you have any questions regarding to use 7Tuner 1.7 with System 7.5 Update 1.0, please contact us by following ways, we'll do our best to help you. Thanks for your support!